Michigan Innocence Project

The True Story Behind the Michigan Innocence Clinic

Innocence Project uses $600k to get more wrongfully convicted people out of prison

Innocence Project: Problem of wrongful convictions is systemwide

How a Detroit Man's Wrongful Conviction Exposed Rampant Systemic Injustice

Exonerated men, heartbroken families fight for justice for those 'wrongfully convicted'

Innocence Project Ambassador's Detail How Wrongful Convictions Happen

Michigan man accused of killing infant daughter granted new trial due to alleged system failure

Pt. 3 | Michigan Man Spent 15 Years in Prison Despite DNA Evidence Proving his Innocence

112- How a Criminal Justice Expert & Innocence Project Director Freed an Innocent Man After 32 Years

Michigan man freed after wrongful conviction lost mom, dad and brother while in prison for 32 years

Wrongful murder conviction to Freedom: The Duane Williams Story

Exonerated Michigan man: Still taking everything in

Man released from prison thanks to Innocence Project

Michigan exoneree, local attorney raise awareness on National Wrongful Conviction Day

How 1 in 4 Wrongful Convictions Happen

WMU- Cooley Innocence Project 'Fighting Wrongful Convictions' With Professor Tracey Brame

Michigan man exonerated by DNA after 33 years for murder he never committed

2 Life Sentences Finally Freed for a wrongful conviction of murder. #exonerated #innocenceproject

Michigan offers nothing to those wrongly convicted of a crime while parolees get millions

The Innocence Project: One Man's Story Beyond the Bars

Pt. 2 | Michigan Man Spent 15 Years in Prison Despite DNA Evidence Proving his Innocence

Wrongful Convictions

WMU- Cooley Innocence Project ”Fighting Wrongful Convictions” With Professor Tracey Brame

NEWSMAX Cooley Innocence Project Gilbert Poole exoneration story